Monday, July 24, 2006

back to poetry

of my last 10 posts, 7 have been about politics and 3 about music. none about poetry. in fact, i have to go back june 7 for my last strictly-poetry post. and they've all been about dudes too.

no better occasion for rectifying this than a trip to bridge street books, where you can always walk in and ask rod, "what's new in poetryworld?" turns out, as is often the case there, since i was last there maybe three or four weeks ago a ton of new poetry books have come out. but what's not often the case is that there were new poetry books by all my favorite poets. and what is increasingly the case, all my favorite poets are women.

i like short books that you can read in one sitting too. lisa jarnot's reptile house, lisa robertson's the men, and diane ward's flim-yoked scrim all fit that bill sunday night. (i picked up carol mirakove's mediated but it still awaits my reading.)

so look for some discussions of these and others in the near future, along with an ongoing series on alice notley's poetry, which i'm presently interlibrary loaning, book by book. i'm tired of not having read her body of work simply b/c it's not in print and otherwise unavailable.

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